Aluminium vs uPVC Frames for Double Glazing Windows in Glasgow

man sitting before white roller blinds in Glasgow with light coming through

Exploring the merits of aluminium vs. uPVC window frames is a crucial consideration for home owners with double glazing windows in Glasgow looking to take their property’s curb appeal higher and boost their energy efficiency. Aluminium frames have surged in popularity due to their durability and sleek, modern aesthetics, offering larger panes of glazing for increased natural light. Meanwhile, uPVC stands out for its durability, high-pressure resistance, and ability to withstand harsh weather conditions. This guide delves into the key differences between these two popular materials, covering aspects like durability, aesthetics, energy efficiency, and maintenance, to help you make an informed decision for your home.

What Window Frame is Superior: Aluminium vs. uPVC Windows

Window materials for frames can be an essential consideration for homeowners, as selecting suitable frames for your property can add curb appeal while saving energy costs.

Aluminum and uPVC are often debated as viable choices, yet there is no straightforward answer to this question.

Both aluminium and uPVC window frames offer distinct advantages, whether it’s the improved thermal efficiency and sleek design of aluminium or the durability and low maintenance of uPVC. Your choice will depend on various factors, including aesthetic preferences, budget, and the specific needs of your property.


Aspect Aluminium uPVC
Durability Extremely long-lasting, up to 45 years. Resistant to degradation. Strong, but can vary between manufacturers. Prone to cracking in extreme weather.
Aesthetics Sleek and modern, with a range of colour and finish options, Ideal for large windows. Contemporary, available in various colours. Can appear bulky.
Energy Efficiency High thermal efficiency with innovations like Aerogel. Good insulation properties, but can be less efficient than aluminium.
Maintenance Low maintenance, resistant to rust and corrosion. Ideal for harsh climates. Durable and moisture-proof. Requires less maintenance than aluminium.
Additional Features Thinner frames allow for more light. Recyclable and eco-friendly. Fire-retardant, sound-proofing, and eco-friendly. Easy to clean.

The Durability

When selecting double glazing windows in Glasgow for your property, many considerations must be made, including style, budget, and energy efficiency. One key aspect is their material construction; typically, either uPVC or aluminium are available options.

Aluminium double glazing windows in Glasgow outperform their PVC counterparts when it comes to durability and resilience, providing your home with increased levels of security. However, in terms of aesthetics, aluminium was clearly superior. Their sleeker frames create an updated aesthetic for your home, which has contributed to their rising popularity over recent years.

Aluminium windows and frames come with another advantage: being produced in thinner frames enables larger panes of glazing and more light into your home. Furthermore, thinner frames offer discreet solutions for living in listed buildings or conservation areas.

Aluminium is an extremely long-lasting material and can last up to 45 years when professionally installed. Unlike some other metals, aluminium does not degrade easily and can be recycled many times over. This makes aluminium an extremely cost-effective option when considering its long lifespan in new windows.

Aluminium windows were once seen as less insulating than their PVC counterparts, but times have changed. Modern manufacturers use an innovative material called Aerogel to help improve the thermal efficiency of aluminium windows. Aerogel is highly conductive but also forms an insulation layer around your window’s glass. Together with double-pane low-E glass and argon filling, this can significantly reduce condensation while increasing energy efficiency overall.

No matter if it’s made from uPVC or aluminium, both materials can be optimised to provide efficient energy savings for your home. By including features like argon filling and double-pane glass with Secured by Design accreditation as upgrades, you can create the ideal level of thermal protection.

The Aesthetics

If you’re searching for modern double glazing windows solutions, both uPVC and aluminium offer benefits. Both offer contemporary aesthetics while being available in various colours to match any home style; both materials also require low maintenance costs. When making your selection, it’s essential that the factors most relevant to you are taken into account.

PVC windows are constructed from non-toxic plastic that’s resistant to rust and corrosion. As such, this versatile material can be used for many different applications while being both eco-friendly and recyclable.

People opting for home improvement projects using uPVC have many good reasons for doing so; its durability, high pressure resistance, and ability to withstand harsh weather conditions make it ideal. Furthermore, many manufacturers offer discounts.

Aluminium windows can add aesthetic value by being powder coated in various colours and finishes, including woodgrain finishes or other options. Aluminium is also an extremely flexible material, which allows it to be formed into various shapes, sizes, and designs, making it the perfect material choice for large windows.

Aluminium, as a conductor of heat, has earned itself an unfavourable reputation when it comes to thermal efficiency; however, this assessment is unfair; modern aluminium windows come equipped with thermal breaks that block heat transfer through the frame; this allows them to meet building regulation standards for energy efficiency without compromising aesthetics.

uPVC windows are an excellent material choice, yet they do have some drawbacks. First of all, its strength can vary significantly between manufacturers; cracking can be particularly pronounced if you live in areas with frequent high winds or extreme weather. Furthermore, uPVC can become vulnerable to mould growth, which causes its shape and appearance to change drastically over time. Some manufacturers use special coatings on uPVC to resist mould growth; however, this treatment option can be expensive and requires regular upkeep.

The Energy efficiency

When purchasing windows for your home, the design you have in mind could play a much bigger part than you realize. Not only could it alter the way your property looks but it could even impact how warm your property is, so choosing a material that complements its aesthetic is of vital importance.

uPVC windows have a reputation for appearing bulky and plasticky, which may put off homeowners looking for something a bit more stylish for their home. But aluminium windows provide an alternative that may suit contemporary homes better; their lightweight frames can be formed into slim designs to look sleek and minimal, while large panes of glass help maximise natural lighting within.

Aluminium windows also boast impressive thermal efficiency compared to their plastic counterpart, uPVC. Aluminium is known for having superior levels of insulation compared to plastic, keeping heat within your property and saving on heating bills. Furthermore, some manufacturers use special materials like Aerogel to further increase its energy efficiency—it was even used by space shuttles and astronaut suits!

Aluminium windows offer more than energy efficiency; they’re also stylish additions that can perfectly complement any home, thanks to their versatility in colour options and realistic woodgrain effects. Plus, aluminium is 100% recyclable, making aluminium an eco-friendly choice!

Overall, aluminium windows have quickly gained in popularity over recent years. Due to their superior weather resistance and durability, stunning aesthetics, and enhanced weather protection properties, more people than ever are opting for aluminium instead of PVC windows when purchasing windows for their homes. So if you’re shopping around for replacement windows for your home, why not take a closer look at our aluminium selection and contact us to receive a quote?


Aluminium windows offer an appealing modern aesthetic and insulation properties, and their use will have a dramatic impact on both aspects of home life. You can customise them to complement existing decor, as they come in an assortment of colours and finishes to match them perfectly. Furthermore, aluminium frames resist rust and corrosion, making them ideal for coastal or desert homes, as their low maintenance costs make them a more cost-effective option than others for homeowners.

uPVC windows are extremely durable, long-term energy efficient, and childproof due to being less brittle than glass or wood windows. Furthermore, this material is fire-retardant and moisture-proof—features that make uPVC an excellent choice for both commercial and residential properties alike. Furthermore, their non-warping or cracking properties make them suitable for households with young children or pets who don’t risk warping or cracking under extreme heat or humidity conditions.

uPVC windows are more resistant to condensation and mould than wood and aluminium materials and more eco-friendly than either of those materials; recycling uPVC is easy, making it an eco-friendly choice. In comparison to other windows, uPVC doesn’t need regular painting or sealing; all it needs is regular wiping with damp cloth wipedowns to maintain good condition and look its best!

uPVC also boasts the added advantage of being an excellent sound-proofing material, which means it can help reduce noise pollution in your home, making it a more peaceful place to live. Furthermore, its frames can effectively block out drafts.

Finding the ideal uPVC window for your home requires working with an experienced installer to ensure that it is measured and installed according to specifications, eliminating costly mistakes or delays down the line. Comparing quotes from multiple reputable providers will also ensure you secure a great price on new windows.